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December 2024 Featured Charity: Harbourside Rotary Community Outreach

Creating hope.

Members and friends of Harbourside Rotary volunteer to feed people of all ages through several programs.  With a back-pack program where backpacks are loaded full of food and distributed,  volunteers and food tables are provide at a school to provide toast and other items so kids can focus on their studies,  not empty tummies.  Harbourside Rotary also has a program of delivering food to seniors where it’s not just the food these seniors look forward to,  it’s the connection.   Rotary members and Friends of the Club make it happen.


Funding Donated

In the past seven years (to summer, 2023) the Rotary Club of Victoria-Harbourside and the Harbourside Foundation have donated over $886,000 to multiple organizations around Greater Victoria.

Organizations recently funded:

  • Broadmead Care Society
  • Burnside Gorge Community Association
  • Community First Foundation operating as Backpack Buddies
  • Cornerstone Youth Society/The Sanctuary Youth Centre
  • James Bay Health & Community Services Society
  • James Bay New Horizons

A full list of organizations can be found here.

Rotary is an international organization. 

Impacts are made in the local and world-wide community.   International projects that have been funded in the past several years include:

  • Honduras: funded and sponsored Global Grants for 10 years to train more than 1500 women in micro-business skills
    Guatemala:  capital funding for micro credit loans and basic business training for women.
  • Malawi:  scholarships to a girls’ school
  • Afghanistan:  programs supporting education for girls
  • Central America:  physician travel packs
  • Zambia:  program for sustainable reforestation
Scholarships provided:
  • To students graduating from School Districts 61 and 63
  • To students facing barriers to post-secondary education
  • Youth to RYLA (leadership training)
  • Rotary Youth Exchange (youth experiencing another culture for a school year).

How You Can Help

As with all of our featured charities, partial proceeds from the sale of growler fills from our Growler Station (at the brewery) will be given to this awesome and important organization.

If you’d like to learn more about the great work these Rotarians do, please visit the Victoria-Harbourside Rotary site.

Left to right: Cathy Webster (Times Colonist), Rotarians and friends of the club: Joanne Turner, Rick Lemon and Nancy Moses

Proceeds from the sale of growler fills and of our exclusive curated six-packs of cans found at our Growler Station (at the brewery) will be given to this awesome and important program. If you’d like to learn more about the great work these Rotarians do, please visit the Victoria-Harbourside Rotary site.