Featured Charity: Harbourside Rotary School Breakfast Program
A Full Belly for Hungry Kids
At this time of year, when we are starting to think about the holiday dinners we’ll soon enjoy (within our bubbles, of course), it important to remember that not everybody has access to the food they need to stay healthy and strong. Sadly, more than three thousand local school kids arrive hungry at our schools in Victoria every morning – a number that is only increasing during these difficult times.
The Rotary Club of Victoria – Harbourside provides financial support for school food programs that help our community’s most vulnerable children thrive and learn! It serves food to thousands of kids at local elementary schools through breakfast, snack, and our new weekend backpack programs. 100% of the funds raised go towards covering the costs of our school food programs to help feed our kids throughout the year.
Supported in part by Cobs Bread and through donations gathered via the Rotary Club, these healthy breakfasts offer a great kickstart to hungry students who might otherwise go without.
How You Can Help
As with all of our featured charities, partial proceeds from the sale of growler fills from our Growler Station (at the brewery) will be given to this awesome and important organization.
If you’d like to learn more about the great work these Rotarians do, please visit the Victoria-Harbourside Rotary site.
Proceeds from the sale of growler fills and of our exclusive curated six-packs of cans found at our Growler Station (at the brewery) will be given to this awesome and important program. If you’d like to learn more about the great work these Rotarians do, please visit the Victoria-Harbourside Rotary site.